Monday, September 20, 2010

1st Full Day at Pulmonay Rehab

I had my first full day of Pulmonary Rehab today. I went from 12:30 to 3pm. Tomorrow will be a little longer because I have a lecture to attend. First I got chest PT, then floor and leg exercises for 45 minutes, next get break then I hit the stations. First station was walking, I had to walk 20 minutes. It doesn't sound like alot, but man when you haven't walked for a few months it's tough. But I did 10 laps in 20 minutes. Next I went to weights and weight machines. This was not to bad until they made me do squats..that about killed me!! LOL!! And finally they put me on the Nustep machine for 15 minutes. After that I was done. Overall it wasn't bad, I will just have to work up to my strength since I've been down so long.


  1. Congrats Kerry, you survived your first day of rehab, lol! It will get easier, but not before you start realizing you are working muscles you didn't know you had. I was hoping to get out of the hospital by now and back to rehab, but I'm in mild rejection. This means I'll be in the joint at least three more days, ugh! I'm still able to walk around the floor, but I miss the weights and my friends. I don't miss the Nustep ;) Hope you are doing well. Talk to you soon......

  2. Hey, beautiful friend! Way to go on conquering your first day of rehab! :~) Thanks for being faithful in keeping in touch and know that we are praying you through each step of this journey. LOVE YOU!

    And THANK YOU again for the card. I have it sitting on top of our little key rack in the kitchen, and I see it every day to remind me of you. :~)
