Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Frequent Flyer Miles Pay Off!!

So my last hospitalization brought with it extra perks! As you know from my last post, I went into the hospital again due to some more bleeding from my lungs. While I was in, I was emobolized again, but still my lungs continued to bleed despite the treatment. So the "Head Honcho" got involved and appealed my case to the National Transplant Board. This meant he would present my case again to the board and they would vote on me and my case. My previous LAS (Lung Allocation Score) was 37, I am now 45. The scale goes to 100.

I also had clinic this morning and the Transplant Cordinator informed me that I was almost called in this past weekend for organs, but for some reason, only God knows, I was not.

So keep the prayers coming...God is hearing them, its just not the right time yet. As my Grandma said she prays: "Lord you gave the greatest gift during this season your Son, but you know the second greatest gift you could give is new organs to Kerry, but we will wait for your timing." It made me laugh so hard when she told me what she prays...I love her very much and she has a "direct connection" ;)


  1. Hurray for your Grandma for praying hopeful prayers. :~) And hurray for God's impeccable timing, as well. His wisdom far surpasses our own; remembering that brings peace to my heart often.

    We love you, Kerry!

  2. Everyone at NFT is thinking about you and praying for you!!

    Claire Prince
