Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Getting Well Again

Several issues to resolve to get Kerry fixed up and discharged. Anemic, dehydrated, elevated calcium level in her blood, jaundice, and itchy. Did some testing including an endoscopy which showed the esophigitis is much improved so Friday she began eating--wouldn't you know she doesn't have an appetite. Goal is to get her fixed up, send her home to get stronger through nutrition and rehab and get her listed for a new liver. Thanks for praying about all this with us. (Nan)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kerry please hang in there! It's too early in the recovery to get down in the dumps. I know you have a lot more coming to deal with, but take a deep breath and then exhale; you have beautiful new lungs and this will all be worth it. Just keep giving your worries to The Lord and he will get you through this. Love You!
